2022 “Medo” “La regola dei Giochi” Regia: Anton Giulio Calenda, Alessandro Di Murro
- Voice training (Linklater Method)
- The body as an instrument (mime actor)
- Public speaking and stage performance:
rhythm/tempo, meter and modulation, staging.
- Acting-class based on I.Chubbuk-U.Hagen-Strasberg
and Stanislawskiy method.
- Intensive workshop on acting, improvisation and drama
construction based on Maisner tecnique.
- Workshop on body expression based on Mejerchold’s
method and Viola Spolin method.
- Practical Aesthetics acting technique. Susun Batson technique.
- Relationship with the camera, lighting and set space, video performance production.
- Progetto biennale 2021/2022 coordinato da Luigi Petrucci “INTERPRETAZIONE E ( E’ ) VERITA’